Active Seating Explained

Active Seating Explained

What is active seating?

Active seating communicates ideas about encouraging or enabling movement whilst sitting. It is also referred to as dynamic seating and does not restrict or inhibit movement in the way most traditional furniture does.

Interestingly the rocking chair was one of the earliest forms of active seating, as the design of the chair encourages movement of the body.

Why is active seating important?

The concept of flexibility and movement while sitting can be hugely beneficial for the body, particularly the spine. When movement is limited or restricted for any reason, we can suffer fatigue, pain, and stiffness along with some more serious ailments and long-term health problems.

Who needs active seating?

Now more than ever before, people are required to be seated in office jobs, driving jobs and many other types of work. The concept of active seating is gaining recognition especially among those who have to sit for long periods. Got a 3-hour board meeting or 4-hour round trip drive to the airport? These extended periods of sitting on a regular basis mean you definitely need to take a closer look at the type of chair you use.

Negative effects of prolonged sitting

What are the negative effects of prolonged sitting?

Active seating is the opposite of static seating which can have hugely negative health effects, particularly on the spine but also blood circulation and joint stiffness due to lessened physical activity. Basically our bodies need to move and were not designed for prolonged periods of static sitting and physical inactivity.

The good news…

The good news is we can help to combat these bad effects and encourage movement of the body while at work with a well-designed ergonomic cushion that incorporates elements of active seating.

At AirCare Systems we design and manufacture all the parts that make up ergonomic task chairs, office chairs, automotive seats and more. We work with clients from all over the world to supply the parts that will be used in the design and manufacture of truly ergonomic seating that will help to enhance and improve posture and spine health, so you need not suffer any longer.

We also manufacturer and supply external seat cushions and lumbar supports which can be used with your existing task chair or even attach to your vehicle seat for an active seating solution - on the move.