Interzum 2023

Interzum 2023

The Future of Furniture Design and Manufacture - Interzum 2023

We like to plan ahead; the early bird catches the worm as they say! And while the event doesn’t take place until May 2023, we are already very much looking forward to visiting Interzum in Cologne - an important trade show for the furniture production and interior design industries.

We are excited about having the opportunity to introduce ourselves and our trademark pneumatic seating components and air cell seating to the designers and manufacturers of ergonomic seating. An event that attracts visitors from around the world and is an event not to be missed!

Factors that are influencing office furniture design

Working environments are changing. Certainly, more people are working from home and overall, more thought is being given to workspaces both at home and on company premises. This focus means that our space must be comfortable as well as functional. Future challenges will include utilising space better and designing furniture which will be meaningful and useful.

Environmental influences

The flatpack concept of disposable and low quality often doesn’t fit the environmentally friendly ethos of many modern company mission statements. Sustainability now means making furniture that will stand the test of time. We hope to form alliances and partnerships that will inspire the future of sustainable office furniture. We seek comfortable and functional, well designed ergonomic solutions for the world of business and creativity to perform at their best. Afterall, we sit long hours at work in our chairs, so they may as well be first rate!

Our ageing populations

It will also be interesting to discuss the effect our ageing population will have on the design and manufacture of furniture for the future. Spine health really impacts on us later in life which underlines the importance of comfort and good lumbar support.

Interzum Exhibition
Interzum Innovation

Working globally

We don’t manufacture seats, but we do offer seating solutions to an international client base. We are a global brand and work with furniture designers and manufacturers all over the world from Australia to Iceland. It has been a while since we have been able to network freely and discuss ideas with creative minds at events like these. We are preparing for the diversity of ideas that Interzum promises, will you be attending Interzum 2023? Drop us a line and let us know.

To find out more about the Interzum 2023, click here to visit their website.

Contact Us 

Aircare Systems is a UK based supplier of pneumatic seating parts to Europe and the rest of the world.

For more information contact us online or call telephone +44 117 937 3433